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BIOMETRA Eco-Line system

Robust &Versatile for PAGE

BIOMETRA Eco-Line system
BIOMETRA Eco-Line system

Product Highlight

The Biometra Eco-Line for two gel sizes "Mini" and "Maxi" is a robust, modular tank system for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and tank blotting. The stable design and user-friendly components such as the gel pouring stand for leak-proof pouring of gels as well as the blotting module with color-coded cassettes for error-free blotting ensure a smooth workflow in the laboratory.


•Eco-Mini 9.4 x 8.0, Glass plate 11.0 x 10.0cm, Max sample throughput 4x15 •Eco-Maxi 19.4 x 18.5, Glass plate 21.0 x 20.0cm, Max sample throughput 2x30 •The buffer tank can be used with the electrophoresis module for 1 to 4 gels (Mini) or 1 to 2 gels (Maxi) as well as with the blotting module. •Leakproof - Electrophoresis Module (Gel Module) is due to integrated, special side clips easy to handle •Bigfoot Safety Lid with its specially designed foot allows a space saving and safe storing of the lid when not placed on the buffer tank.

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2 Product Option(s)

Product# Product Name
AJG#846-017-104 Eco-Mini System EBC system
AJG#846-017-402 Eco-Maxi EBC system