
WesternBright® Sirius

Most sensitive with low background for chemiluminescent western blots

WesternBright® Sirius

Product Highlight

WesternBright® Sirius is the most sensitive HRP substrate available from Advansta for chemiluminescent Western blotting. With attomole sensitivity and a long-lasting signal, WesternBright® Sirius allows you to detect bands not visualized with other substrates. High signal-to-noise and a large dynamic range make it ideal for quantifying low-intensity bands.

WesternBright® Sirius is the most sensitive of the HRP substrates


•Most sensitive of Advansta's HRP substrates, detects low-abundance proteins
•Low background – for high signal to noise ratio
•Long lasting signal – or flexible imaging
•Versatile – Optimized for image chemiluminescence by CCD or film

•WesternBright™ Sirius™Luminol/enhancer solution
•WesternBright™ Peroxide Chemiluminescent Detection Reagent

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2 Product Option(s)

Product# Product Name
AVS#K-12043-D20 WesternBright® Sirius Chemiluminescent Detection Kit, 200ml
AVS#K-12043-D10 WesternBright® Sirius Chemiluminescent Detection Kit, 100ml